There are generally four introductory types of swimming wear cloth, DuPont Lycra, nylon, polyester, and spandex, which are also the most common types on the request.
Nylon fabric is a fabric attained by blending or interweaving nylon hair or chief fiber with other filaments, which has both the characteristics and advantages of each fiber. Although the texture isn't as strong and solid as Lycra fabric, its pliantness and wimpiness are similar to Lycra.
DuPont Lycra is a man-made elastic fiber with excellent pliantness. It can stretch 4 to 7 times freely, and when the external force is released, it snappily returns to its original length with excellent stretch. Suitable for blending with colorful filaments for enhanced texture drape and wrinkle resistance. DuPont Lycra with chlorine-resistant constituents will give swimsuits a longer life than ordinary swimsuits.
Polyester fabric is a chemical fiber apparel fabric used in diurnal life, with good wrinkle resistance and shape retention. It's a unilateral, two- way stretch stretch fabric. Not suitable for jumpsuits due to limited pliantness.
Spandex yarn has high pliantness and is generally not spun alone. It's frequently blended with Lycra, nylon, and polyester fabrics. The composition of high- quality marketable spandex yarn is further than 18.